Software Developer
Hello, I am a software development student with a passion for both programming and games. Currently pursuing my education, I am dedicated to honing my technical skills and expanding my knowledge in the dynamic world of software development. With a quiet nature that belies my enthusiasm for coding, I find joy in the intricate problem-solving aspects of programming. Whether immersed in the lines of code or exploring the latest game releases, I bring a calm and approachable demeanor to collaborative projects. My journey in the realm of technology is not just about codes and algorithms but also about creating meaningful connections through shared interests and a commitment to continuous learning. Check out my e-portfolio, where you can explore the intersection of my quiet demeanor, friendly disposition, and love for the fascinating world of software development. Feel free to explore my professional journey further by checking out my CV .
Hello, I am a software development student with a passion for both programming and games. Currently pursuing my education, I am dedicated to honing my technical skills and expanding my knowledge in the dynamic world of software development. Check out my e-portfolio, where you can explore the intersection of my quiet demeanor, friendly disposition, and love for the fascinating world of software development. Feel free to explore my professional journey further by checking out my CV .
Website I made for the school course finale
Used technologies: HTML,CSS,Bootstrap 5
Explore ProjectWebsite made from a prototype in the competition
Used technologies: HTML,CSS
Explore Project