
First steps

In this segment, we guide you through the crucial steps to kickstart your game development journey. We'll explore the initial setup process, including installing necessary software such as GameMaker Studio, creating a new project, and familiarizing yourself with the interface.

Getting started!


Here, we delve into the core principles of basic design essential for crafting captivating games. We'll explore key design elements such as creating sprites, designing levels, and conceptualizing game mechanics. Learn how to craft visually engaging sprites, structure levels that enhance gameplay, and conceptualize simple yet compelling game mechanics to elevate player experience.

Creating sprites

Creating Basic AI

In this section, we'll unravel the intriguing world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in game creation. Learn the foundational steps to create basic AI behaviors for your game characters, enabling them to interact with the game environment and make decisions autonomously. We'll cover essential concepts such as defining behaviors, setting up simple decision-making processes, and implementing movement patterns.

Creating Basic AI

DS Systems

In this segment, we'll delve into the power of Data Structures within GameMaker Studio, unlocking a wealth of possibilities for advanced game development. Explore the intricacies of data structures such as arrays, lists, stacks, and queues, understanding how they can efficiently organize and manipulate game data. Learn to implement these structures to manage game inventories, track player progress, and optimize game performance.

DS Grid

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